Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain or Obama...McCain or Obama.....
I have never been a fan of politics. Personally I usually find politicians to be BIG LIARS and rather boring. BUT...I did decide to watch Obama's speech last night....and I was rather pleasantly surprised!!! A few times I even happen to holler out..."AMEN BROTHER! and a clap every now and then :) As I am standing there in grossed in the TV watching the speech (we all know it had to be good to hold my attention.) Cole comes down the stairs stomping with his hands on his hips and says "YOU BETTER NOT BE CLAPPING FOR OBAMA...IT IS McCAIN ALL THE WAY" I really wanted to say to him...WHAT DO YOU KNOW...YOU ARE 10!!!! But he was dead serious! So I said " Well...that is the great thing about America, we all get to chose and vote for who we will think will do the best job." Nobody can tell us who we can vote for...we get to decide that ourselves." He looks at me and says..."Well...if you are SMART you vote for McCain." I couldn't help busting out laughing. Cole did NOT like that. So...if you are curious..if my 10 year old could have it!
As for myself...well...I am undecided. I can't wait to hear what McCain has to say and I am REALLY looking forward to the debate. Even though I am undecided there are a few things that are REALLY bothering me with McCain. They are as follows:
1. WHO CAN'T REMEMBER HOW MANY HOUSES THEY HAVE??? HELLO??? You honestly expect us to believe that????????????
2. are OLD!!!!!! Have you not seen how the previous Presidents look coming out of office. YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT THE 4 YEARS!!!!
3. See number 2....which in that case leave us with Sarah Palin?????????????? WHO IS SARAH PALIN???????
4. McCain says that OBAMA doesn't have enough experience and then he picks someone like SARAH PALIN???? Who is Sarah Palin again???
5. I was reading some articles on CNN and came across this one below. It is written by Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist and CNN political contributor. At the bottom it says "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writer." It needs to add...and Jen W. too! :) I couldn't of said it better myself. :) Here it is:
John McCain needs what Kinky Friedman calls "a checkup from the neck up."
In choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate, he is not thinking "outside the box," as some have said. More like out of his mind.
Palin a first-term governor of a state with more reindeer than people, will have to put on a few pounds just to be a lightweight. Her personal story is impressive: former fisherman, mother of five. But that hardly qualifies her to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
For a man who is 72 years old and has had four bouts with cancer to have chosen someone so completely unqualified to become president is shockingly irresponsible. Suddenly, McCain's age and health become central issues in the campaign, as does his judgment.
In choosing this featherweight, McCain passed over Tom Ridge, a decorated combat hero, a Cabinet secretary and the former two-term governor of the large, complex state of Pennsylvania.
He passed over Mitt Romney, who ran a big state, Massachusetts; a big company, Bain Capital; and a big event, the Olympics.
He passed over Kay Bailey Hutchison, the Texas senator who is knowledgeable about the military, good on television and -- obviously -- a woman.
He passed over Joe Lieberman, his best friend in the Senate and fellow Iraq Kool-Aid drinker.
He passed over former congressman, trade negotiator and budget director Rob Portman.
And he also passed over Mike Huckabee, the governor of Arkansas.
For months, the McCainiacs have said they will run on his judgment and experience. In his first presidential decision, John McCain has shown that he is willing to endanger his country, potentially leaving it in the hands of someone who simply has no business being a heartbeat away from the most powerful, complicated, difficult job in human history.
I feel some clapping and another AMEN BROTHER coming on!!!!! :)
So...what do you all think...let's hear it...I can take it! Plus Michael said if I get some major debating and arguments on my blog...more people will read it. Let's see if he know what he is talking about.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Random Acts of Kindness
Acts of Kindness
My 1st act of random kindness was I put my shoes on the rug in the garage without my mom telling me to. When I told my mom I put my shoes on the rug in the garage she said “You are such a good boy.”
My 2nd act of random kindness was my dad, my brother Cole and I were going out of King Soopers and when we got to the car, Cole got in the car and I helped my dad put the groceries in the back of the car. He said “Thanks Buddy” and I smiled.
My 1st compliment was while I was looking for something on the ground, I saw my mom’s feet. I noticed she had her toes done so I said “Your toes look nice” she smiled and said, “Thanks Peewee”
My 2nd compliment was Cole mowed the lawn and I said “Good job on the lawn, it looks nice.” He said “Thanks Ely.”
Sometimes I think we forget how easy it is to do a random act of kindness or give someone a compliment and how much it can really make someones day! I challange you all do to at least 1 random act of kindness today. Also...It would be great to hear what random act of kindness that someone has done for you that just really made your day.
As for me...Janice (a friend of mine) really made my day today by calling me up to see if my youngest could go to her house to play with her son. Cole has been dying to play with someone and I have needed a break. It was so nice to have a little piece and quite before my other 2 get home and the evening craziness starts. THANKS JANICE!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
So...we tell the kids to get in the basement. We turn on the news...I was watching YARD CRASHERS on DIY Network. If you haven't ever watched it...check it out. LOVE THAT SHOW! We tevo it! Ahmed...if you happen to read this PLEASE...PLEASE...Crash my Yard!!!!(,2829,DIY_26336_66348,00.html)
Anyway....we go to the basement...turn on the tv down there and tell the kids to get under the stairs. Cole has gone a gotten his hamster and guinea pig...along with our 2 dogs and cat. Ely starts to freak out!!!! "WHAT ABOUT MY FROGS!!!!!" I said.."they will be fine"...but he can't stop crying. Bless his little heart! The cat starts attacking the hamster cage and Ernie is trying to eat the guinea pig!!!! Cole starts freaking...running around with the guinea pig...."I YELL..."GET UNDER THE STAIRS!" He says.."Well...if you don't do something Ernie is going to kill my guinea pig...not the TORNADO!!!" I think to myself that might not be such bad thing...(just kidding) Thank goodness the Tornado was slow moving and dissipated before it got to us. Needless to say I realized that we were so not ready for something like this. So I went to the Red Cross website and looked to see how to be better prepared. If you would like to check it out here is the site.
Here are a few more pictures that I took of the tornado.
Check out this video.
It is AMAZING that it didn't wipe out those houses! Thankfully, there has been no reports of damage or injuries anywhere!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
THE PICNIC we are having a nice little picnic. Dogs are happy cleaning up the fries under the table, and Cole screams...."ERNIE JUST PEED ON MY SHOE!!!!!!!! I said.."ARE YOU SERIOUS?????" Honestly...I thought he was kidding. Ernie has never peed on anyone. Sure enough...I look under the table and there is his shoe with pee in it!!!! What on earth is WRONG with these dogs today????
By the time we get that cleaned up there are bees in Cole's applesauce. Cole starts running away with everything else in hand. I said..."get back over here...they will not hurt you" Forget it...he was done! LOL He asked if we could go to Baskin Robbins across the street. We went and got him some ice cream and took the dogs for a little walk and went home. We both had had enough for the day. As we are heading out Cole says " that was a lovely picnic" I said..."REALLY...or are you being sarcastic?" He said..."um...sarcastic mom!" Then says...."Note to time...LEAVE THE DOGS AT HOME!!!" I couldn't agree more. LOL
Below are some more pics from the day. Enjoy!
I know these don't look like naughty dogs....but looks can be very deceiving!!!!
I have started to blog!!!
1. My family and friends are scattered all over the US. We don't get to see them as much as we like and I thought this would be a good way to keep them updated with our crazy life.
2. My husband lives in Vail during the week and misses a lot. This will be a good way to keep him posted on what really goes on around here. Sometimes I forget to tell him things. :)
3. Because...I have a lot to say and I love to talk. This blog will be just what the title says...Jen's Random Babbling. I will be talking about everything from My kids....being green....saving money...thoughts of the day.....rubberstamping/scrapbooking...maybe even a little politics...ewww...since the DNC...coming to Denver...YIPPEEE....NOT! Be sure to check back often and see what I have been babbling just might interest you. LOL