Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Last Lecture
A lot of professors give talks titled "The Last Lecture." Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can't help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?
When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a lecture, he didn't have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. But the lecture he gave—"Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"—wasn't about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because "time is all you have…and you may find one day that you have less than you think"). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living.
You also can watch the Lecture here on youtube:
Unfortunately, Randy lost his battle on July 25, 2008. He leaves behind his wife Jia and their 3 small children. You may be wondering why I am writing about this. Well, first of all...like I said above I think it is a must read for everyone. Second of all....I LOVE QUOTES!!! Randy has a ton of quotes that I LOVE!! I thought I would start doing a daily quote on my blog and my first quote will be from Randy.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the game."
Randy Pausch
Ernie...the CATDOG
As soon as we got him home he started chasing the cat. The cat was scared to death of him. He stayed in the basement for six month until we were finally decided that it was ridiculous for the cat to hid the rest of his life!!!!! So...we made it so the cat couldn't hide from him. They ended up being good buds....but NOW...Ernie thinks he is a CAT!!!! He plays with Keekee (the cat) just like another cat would! He swats...tries to jump from the furniture like Keekee does...its not pretty to see when he tries it. He has taken over the cats bed. If Keekee is in his bed, Ernie goes over and bites him and makes him get out. And best of all...he gets on the back of the furniture like the cat!!!! We swear one day...he is going to MEOW!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
So...last night after we listen to the horn blowing and getting homework done...I was exhausted. I put everyone to bed and went a plopped down in my bed laying on my back with my arm draped across my eyes....trying to find the ambition to roll over to set the alarm and turn out the light. Before I can, I hear the loud blow of the trumpet right at the side of my bed. I think to myself...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look up and there stands Cole in his UNDERWEAR with the trumpet!!!! UUGGGHHH!!! I said..."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He said..."I just wanted to blow it one more time." Seriously...I could of given him one of those beatings Michael used to get!!!!!!!!! But I said..."Cole...its bedtime...get in bed and you can play it tomorrow."
Cole is a very hard child to get up in the morning. He would NOT get up this morning. The great mother that I am.....lol....I thought...Oh...how funny would it be if I blew that horn in his face!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA!!!! Then I thought better of it. I didn't want to give him any ideas for tomorrow morning when I finally get to sleep in!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I wanted to tell you all about this dessert I made for a BBQ we went to last weekend. I have a couple pics to download from then too...I just haven't done it. I know...I am a slacker!
Anyway....we went to a reservoir to have a BBQ with some of Lance's friends that he works with. They all wanted me to make one of my YUMMY desserts. (Yes...I am a good wife every now and then and send stuff in with Lance for him and his co-workers) I haven't had any complaints yet.
I didn't want to make something that I have sent in before. I thought they would like something new. So I went on the hunt through some cookbooks to see what I could find. First I wanted it to be good....and second...fast....I don't like dishes that take forever to prepare. And this is what I found. I thought I had died and went straight to heaven when I tasted them. As one of the guys at the BBQ said...." NOW THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!!" LOL So I thought I would share. :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I ran across this poem...and I couldn't of said it better myself. So I thought I would just post it.
The Mammogram
For years and years they told me,
In 2004,* 186,772 women were diagnosed with breast cancer, and 40,954 women died from the disease.
Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ely and Cole REALLY enjoy the MAN COUCH!!!! Why is it called the MAN COUCH???? See the wooden ends on the arms. They pull out for your drink and remote!!! Definitely a MAN COUCH!!!! And of course...it reclines.
We decided to take Ely and Cole 4-wheeling for the holiday weekend. Unfortunately Lucas had to work so he didn't get to go. We had a ball!
We found some elk bones in a little stream. The boys thought that was WAY COOL!!!!
Here are a few more pics of Vail.
It was a great weekend....other than...getting pulled over by the POLICE!!!! I decided to take a dirt road on the back side of town to the main road. No more do I turn on that road there is a cop!!! Of course he flips on his lights and pulls me over. I thought to myself...."YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!! PULLING ME OVER ON A DIRT ROAD!!!! ARE THERE EVEN SPEED LIMITS ON DIRT ROADS????????? LOL Well...apparently there are. He says..."do you know what the speed limit is on this road". I wanted to say...ARE YOU SERIOUS??? But I said..no. He said 30. I said...oh. LOL He said..."do you know how fast you were going?" I wanted to say...."HAHAHA...obviously faster than that!!!!" But I didn't...I said no. "37" he said. Well.... dang ROSCO, you almost had yourself a chase....hahahaha. :) I am thinking he is going to just tell me to slow it down and let me go....but NO...he has to see my license and registration! I think...I AM SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!! My registration was 2 months past due....oops! LOL
I just acted TOTALLY STUPID like I had no idea that it was expired. :) He was a very nice cop and he did end up letting me go. No ticket. :)
So...FYI...there are speed limits on dirt roads. ROFL :)
That night after we got home Ely and I were chillin on the couch watching George Lopez. Ely says "So what are you doing tomorrow?" I thought he was just making small talk. I said "I don't know." He says "Noooooo....remember..you are going to get your car thing you need!" (my registration) I laughed and said.."oh yeah...your right...I am." Then he says..."I got your back mom...I got your back!" LOL He is so sweet. I am glad someone is looking after me. We all know I need it. :)